Three young girls were rescued by the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) agents here late afternoon Wednesday last week from a notorious pimp, who was “selling” them to customers of paid sex to a high of P10,000 each. Lawyer Janet Francisco, NBI-Cordillera regional director said, Julius Delgado, Baguio’s “top human trafficker”, is indicted for “qualified trafficking in persons” after last week’s entrapment operation at a hotel just a stone-throw away from Session Road, Baguio City’s main business thoroughfare.

Delgado, the NBI said, “sold” three girls, two of them even minors, to a supposed customer, who turned out to an undercover agent he asked for P10,000 each for the three girls. When Delgado received the fluorescent powder-laced money supposedly as payment, NBI agents approached, caught him and read him his Miranda rights as accused in human trafficking. Atty. Franciso, who
formerly heads the NBI’s Anti- Human Trafficking Division said, Delgado formerly worked as floor manager of the Gentleman’s Bar along Marcos Highway but had since become the operations
manager of Heartland Club at Sunrise Hotel along Dominican Hill barangay here.

The Baguio Prosecutors Office has found probable cause to indict Delgado for “Qualified Trafficking in Persons” and recommended he could not post bail for his temporary liberty. While the three girls were turned over to the social welfare and development department here for processing and assistance. End of January this year, 11 women being offered for paid sex were also rescued by the NBI-Cordillera together with US-founded anti-human trafficking NGO Exodus Road
Philippines from two massage parlors along Magsaysay Avenue here. Massage parlors owners, one even a barangay official, and four employees caught during the raid are now facing human trafficking charges.

Artemio A. Dumlao/ABN

Amianan Balita Ngayon