Category: Educator’s Corner
Does scouting really matter now?
November 24, 2018
“A week of camp life is worth six months of theoretical teaching in the meeting room” – Robert Baden-Powell Scouts singing in chorus, flags with symbolic picture of an animal placed in a banner and raised in a pole, tents constructed in strategic locations are exciting scenes of scouting.
Schools Press Conference toward attaining responsible journalism
November 17, 2018
“With great power comes great responsibility!” – Spiderman The recently concluded Division Schools Press Conference was held last November 10-12, 2018 at Tublay School of Home Industries. The theme for this school year is “Fostering 21st Century skills and Character-Based Education through Campus Journalism.”
Synthonics I-Aids in mediating word recognition and spelling of Grade 4 learners
November 10, 2018
Direct instruction appears the most effective approach for improving word recognition skills in students with learning disabilities. Direct instruction refers to teaching skills in explicit direct fashion. It involves drill or repetition practice and can be delivered to one child or group of students (Sanberry, 2006).
Humor in the classroom
November 10, 2018
How do you behave when some incidents supposed to be serious turn to jokes that evoke laughter? Sometimes incidents in the classroom turn to jokes although those concerned, whether the teacher or the learner, is not aware and makes the situation funnier.
Strengthening School-Based Management through research towards quality education
November 3, 2018
Successful planning and implementation according to the guidelines on the enhanced school improvement planning process and the school report card are factors essential to effective governance. A school that is governed well results in the effective delivery of basic education services.
Role of school in the well-being of a learner
October 21, 2018
The school plays an important role in supporting learners’ health and it will not be underscored that, although parents should be the first teachers, it is in the school where learners acquire Health Education lesson and experiences because most children stay in school for more than 8 hours a day, 5 days a weeks and […]
The teacher
October 14, 2018
One of the favorite pastimes of my learners after their lunch is playing school and doing the role of a teacher excites them. In a real school situation, it is not that easy. That is why there are teachers who always look forward for dismissal, holidays and weekends but there are also those who are […]
What causes the stress of school teachers?
October 14, 2018
There are many factors that cause the stress of school teachers. Most of these factors are work-related while some are personal related. Work-related factors include pressure in the workplace, meeting deadlines, living up to the expectations of the higher ups, and others. Personal related include relationship demands, physical and mental health, among others. All of […]
Essence of education
September 10, 2018
There are various connotations about education. The most common is that education is the key to success. Some say that it is a pre-determining factor for prosperity, a weapon for life; others believe that it is a matter of recognition; still others reveal that education is what makes a person worthy to be emulated; and […]
Knowing those whom we wish to teach
August 28, 2018
As an effective teacher, we must not only know that which we would teach–that is, our content – but we must also know those whom we wish to teach. To know those whom we teach is a great challenge for teachers. The effect of the family, neighborhood, social media, and community upon young people is […]