Category: Educator’s Corner
Professional development is needed for teachers
April 29, 2017
Recognizing that school teachers have important roles in providing quality education to our children, teachers need to strengthen their capacity and reinforce own personal capacity and ability to teach. This will serve as a vehicle for improvement. Since excellent teachers produce excellent learners, professional development is needed to improve the skill of a teacher. Likewise, […]
Value of time should also be taught in school
April 22, 2017
Time is precious and priceless for everyone; time is more precious than money as money spent can be earned again but time spent can never be earned back. It is one of the most valuable things on this earth; nothing can be compared with it. Once it goes, it never comes back. We never acquire […]
Ripping my paper, can tear me down
April 1, 2017
Encouraging words and acting appropriately towards a young student’s school output can strengthen educational foundations but doing the opposite breaks down a potentially durable educational foundation. Great parents will always dream the best for their children, best clothes, best school materials, best house, best toys, best teacher, best schools and so on. Children are the […]
What educators do to ensure success of less fortunate pupils
April 1, 2017
Many of school-age pupils in our city live in poverty. You do not have to teach in a squatter’s area or a depressed or far-flung public school to see pupils who are from a poor family. The lives of poor pupils are often very different from those of their more wealthy pupils. They cannot look […]
Varieties of learners
April 1, 2017
“Every child has a different learning style and pace. Each child is unique not only capable of learning but also capable of succeeding.” -Robert John Meehan In my thirteen years of teaching, I have come to realize the students’ learning differences. I myself tried different strategies based on my own observations and my own learning […]
Mislooked but great inventors
March 25, 2017
Did you ever try searching the web about famous invertors? What names would appear? Who would be ranked number one, two, or three? Will you ever see a name of a teacher who invented a simple yet effective and efficient visual or audio aid, maybe a combination of both? Whatever your answer maybe, we won’t […]
Strawberry Festival 2017
March 25, 2017
Why do we celebrate Strawberry Festival every year? How is it celebrated? Are these plants classified as vine, bush or herb? All these questions pop up in my mind every time the month of March comes. For eleven years that I stayed in Benguet, I never dared asking what Strawberry Festival is, why do people […]
Green and environmentally friendly schools
March 18, 2017
All over the world and in any government and non-government agencies, everybody is getting more conscious of the essence of valuing health and each one’s welfare. Likewise, environmental awareness is given importance. In schools, the Department of Education in partnership with other agencies of the government like the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) […]
Sense of humor: a need for teachers
March 18, 2017
Rick Warren in his book, The Power to Change Your Life, wrote about how someone once asked Lincoln (the American president during the Civil War) on how he handled all the stresses. He said, “If it hadn’t been for laughter, I could not have made it”. Teaching is somewhat related to a battlefield. Some teachers […]
Ripple effects of giving
March 11, 2017
Developing harmonious relationship with every people you meet is always expedient. I have proven this fact last May 26, 2013 when I was approached by my supportive and energetic department head, Francisco B. Peñaflor, to spearhead a fund raising activity to improve the audio-visual teaching aids for the benefit of our students of Pines City […]
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