Newly Elected Officers of 2024-2026 Mrs. Feliza Ronquillo-President, VP1- Lourdes P. Supsupin, VP2- Imelda T. Pelera, VP3-Agustina Mocay Margarita B. De Vera- Secretary, Alma S. Sito- Asst. Secretary, Lauren Lomerio-Treasurer, Adoracion Cecilia-Asst. Treasurer, Nora Bangkilas-Auditor, Martina P. Polgue-PRO, Business Managers: Mary Jane Cayapat,Emma Tamson, Regine S. Valencia, Eleonor Basal, Board of Directors: Anita Calabias, Susan
Villanueva and Carol Domogan, Members: Angela S. Ambagan,Nora Bangkilas, Lucia Palangeo, Advisers: Councilor Leah Fariñas, Mrs. Soledad Go, according to Mrs. Feliza Ronquillo President ” We are the Womens Federation for World Peace and understanding, mostly women of Baguio City representing different Culture, Religion and creed, we are to Unite different womens clubs and inspire women to participate in the National Development thru Charity and Vollunteer Service”June 23,2024 Ibaloi Heritage Park.

Carlos Meneses /ABN

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