To strengthen the education sector of the province, the Provincial Government of La Union (PGLU), through the Provincial School Board (PSB) and in partnership with Synergeia Foundation, led the La Union Education Summit on June 16, 2023 at Ynad’s Place Hotel and Resort, City of San Fernando, La Union. The Summit aims to bring together education stakeholders such as the Local
Chief Executives (LCEs) and their Local School Boards (LSBs) to exchange ideas, highlight creative solutions, and unite in support of building a bright, sustainable, prosperous, and equitable
future for learners of the education sector.

Present during the summit were the PSB headed by Gov. Raphaelle Veronica “Rafy” Ortega-David, PSB Cochair person of La Union Schools Division Superintendent Jorge M. Reinante and SP Board Member Cynthia Angelica M. Bacurnay, SP Board Member Ma. Rosario Eufrosina “Chary” P. Nisce, the PSB members and consultants. Likewise, in attendance were the members of Synergeia Foundation namely Dr. Milwida “Nene” M. Guevara, CEO and President of the Foundation, Former Mayor Juan Carlo Medina of Vigan City, Ilocos Sur, Former Mayor Mary Jane Ortega of San Fernando City, La Union, Former Mayor Herminigildo Velasco of San Gabriel, La Union, Program Officer Anjanette Juan, and Program Officer Maria Consuelo Doble. Also present during the summit were Balaoan Mayor Aleli U. Concepcion, Caba Mayor Donna R. Crispino, and Sudipen Mayor Wendy Joy D. Buquing.

Dr. Guevara of the Synergeia Foundation discussed the steps used by other LGUs in reengineering and revitalizing the LSBs to enable effective governance mechanisms for education such as Expanding the local school board bringing more stakeholders to the table; Turning the mayor-centric LSB into a consultative, participatory body where stakeholders’ voices are heard; Panoramic governance view approach; Making the SEF budget “Of the students, By the Students, For the students”; and Sustainability, Integrate Education Programs into the Annual Investment Program and the LGU’s Development Plan.

During the workshop, the LSBs of the 20 component LGUs of La Union were asked to give their action plans in improving education services using the discussed steps in reinventing LSBs. In return, Gov. Rafy expressed her appreciation and gratitude to all of the efforts, initiatives, and
dedication of the participating LSBs together with the productive discussions and insights from the
mentors of the Synergeia Foundation. Gov. Rafy also presented to the participants the Action Plan
of the PSB using the key learnings from the discussions to further improve the quality of education
in the Province.

To illustrate, the Action Plan focused on the regularization of all reading programs,
monitoring of SEF budget utilization, inclusion of education in SGLG and capacitation of the reorganized School Board among other developments. Through these activities, the Province commits to continuously support and promote quality education for the youth as one of the priorities in the P.U.S.O. Agenda. As part of the province’s thrust of #LaUnionPROBINSYAnihan, education remains to be an avenue for uplifting the lives of every Kaprobinsiaan.

Loren M. Obillo, GPC-PPDO

Amianan Balita Ngayon