More progress is bound for the province of Benguet as another farm-to-market road with vehicular bridge was finally issued with a No Objection Letter 2 (NOL 2) by the Department of Agriculture –
Philippine Rural Development Project (DA-PRDP) Project Support Office (PSO) North Luzon. The NOL 2 issuance signals the awarding of the PhP106.60 million improvement of Balang-Bocao FMR with Vehicular Bridge by the municipal LGU of Kabayan to the Balintugan Construction being the winning bidder.

Located in the municipality of Kabayan, the subproject has a road length of 2.345 kilometers with a vehicular bridge length of 72 linear meters. It is the sole access of Barangay Eddet, servicing around 178 hectares of production area planted with white potato, carrots, cauliflower, and tomato among
other vegetables. It is seen to provide a convenient and safe access for the farmers and residents of
Barangay Eddet. As part of the PRDP implementation process, a preconstruction conference will soon be conducted to discuss specific implementation guidelines and processes including the requirements for disbursement, among others.

Elvy T. Estacio

Amianan Balita Ngayon