The Political landscape for the 2025 congressional race continues to steam up, making the elections a derby between Sol Go, better half of outgoing Rep. Mark Go, and Gladys Vergara, 3-year chair of the Baguio Tourism Council. Gladys, heir apparent of the well-respected 12-year Congressman and 3-year city mayor Bernie Vergara, may still be weighing her options for the 2025 polls. She said, in a chance interview that gunning for the city’s congressional seat needs to be studied very close, even as she expressed elation that she presently trail the front running Sol in pre-election online surveys.

“ The elections are nearly a year away and the candidacy filing is four months ahead,” she pointed out. “We expect so
many developments can still muddle up what seems to be a “super Mom” lock-in for a neck-to-neck race.” Two months back, online surveys point to a Sol Go victory, with only former Baguio city political leaders being pitted. But when the young Vergara was included in the race, it was noted that the leading bet begun to slide down, while Gladys posted a sudden surge of support to breathe down on Sol’s neck this early.

Gladys is said to be drawing public support at the grassroots level where her Dad’s political machinery started to flex muscles. According to BTC insiders, the months leading up to the candidacy filing in October shall see tourism
frontier developments in the countryside. Gladys, per reports, intents to bring tourism growth into the grassroots, in a strong bid to disperse tourism outside the central business district.

“Tourism growth should now be dispersed towards the barangays, first by setting up eco tourism centers that will enliven countryside growth,” Gladys said, adding that this year should resonate with tourism activities trickling down to our grassroots constituency. “To serve, rather than being served, shall be our landmark motto in pushing tourism frontiers out into the open,” she further said.

Amianan Balita Ngayon