Each pupil is different in terms of learning ability, academic standards, classroom learning and academic performance and each unique style in learning.
Many students lag behind in academic performance due to several reasons which include absenteeism, lack of interest, family problems, and learning difficulty. To resolve these issues parent involvement is necessary to continuously monitor and track the performance of the student. Parent-teacher conference, home visitation, quarterly deliberation on student’s performance, and remedial measures are just some strategic interventions a teacher could do to help the student get his feet back on the track. Students who are not given immediate remedies may be at risk of failing or worst—dropping out from school.
The Department of Education is therefore mandating that all public high schools organize and provide the following remedial instruction programs to increase the chances that all their students complete high school with sufficient mastery of its coverage.
Building academic interest in the child is an important element for a student to stay in school. By re-examining the strategies and lesson activities introduced a teacher can check whether it is appropriate and suitable to the mental capabilities of the students. Every lesson taught must be evaluated in order to determine whether it is mastered or not. Results point out whether it is necessary to re-teach or not to re-teach the lesson. When all of the pupils or the performance of the class fall below the 75% level set under mastery learning, the teacher should make extra effort to discover where she failed in her teaching. The advanced learners may be given enrichment exercises while the teacher gives special lessons to the slow ones.
Remedial instruction is a continuous task. It goes on, as long as there are teaching-learning activities not mastered and need to be reinforced. When there is a need, it starts all over again until the desired learning is attained. Often students don’t attend scheduled remedial classes especially if done after classes. In my class, remedial measures are given during their ICL period where they are required to do and submit outputs within the given time while the others would complete requirements or tasks given by their subject teachers.
While it is true that the task is tedious and demands extra effort, time, patience and devotion from teachers, yet, the thought of enabling learners achieve the ideal learning level is enough to compensate for all the troubles a teacher undergoes. JEANNE R. DACALCAP, Pines City National High School
February 5, 2018
February 5, 2018
December 9, 2024
December 9, 2024
December 9, 2024
December 9, 2024
December 8, 2024
December 8, 2024