The 7 Angels

Do you love to read books especially now that we are under Enhance Community Quarantine; one of the best things to do is to read.

Read and know that in Revelation 8 to 10 of the Bible is where the seventh seal opened on the prophecy of the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. First Angel Revelation 8:7 Amazon Australia Fire last January 2020.

2nd Angel Revelation 8:8 The Caspian Sea in Kazakhstan this February 2020 and Black Sea in Russia this last week of January 2020. 3rd Angel Revelation 8:9 List of Shipwrecks this first quarter of the year 2020 since January is 11 Ship.

There is even a stoppage of Fish Production in Alaska this 2020 due to some problems last year. 4th Angel Revelation 8:12-13 The third part of darkness because of smoke cause by forest fire, volcano eruption and fire from house to house.

5th Angel Revelation 9 1-12 A Locusts Plaque unbelievably large swarm of locust threatens Middle East last February 2020. 6th Angel Revelation 9: 13 Plaques ensue sounding of the six trumpets.

7th Angel with a little Book Revelation 10 to 11 and may all take the book for this is the prophesy of his our Jesus second coming.

But be not deceived for false prophets and calling themselves messenger of Christ will rise but the truth is they are not. Beware of them my fellow brethren in Christ. For all of this shall pass and and so may our God find us faithful until he comes.

The best thing to do is Pray, Repent, Ask for Forgiveness and Accept Jesus as our personal Saviour. For many shall say I am a Christian and I know God. However, Are you Save? Not of yourself shall any man should boast, but you are Save by Grace for it is a gift from God. I hope that when you said to me that you are Christian and you know God then I hope to see you in Heaven my Sister’s and Brothers.

And please let us pray one for another that we shall never be persuaded and tempted to do, say and think bad on others. This is iKit Ng Bayan of 98.7 ZRadio FM. Reminding that God is still in control.


Ikit ng Bayan

Amianan Balita Ngayon