Local teams CJH 2, BCC 2 finish 1-2 spot in Am C


Camp John Hay Golf Club Team 2 and and Baguio Country Club Team 2,scored 356 and 351 total points ,respectively to emerge the top teams in the Regular C Flights on the final round of the 73rd Januarius Fil-Am Invitational here. Kyruz Pasiwen led Camp John Hay Team 2 final round attack at Baguio Country Club (BCC) course ,submitted 21 for an aggregate 4-day 356 total points, including their 68 final round points. Pasiwen was supported by Arniel Peil (18), Ricardo Dimarucot (15) and Mar Bustos (14). Eddy Fianza skipper Baguio Country Club Team 2’s last 18 holes round ,scoring 21 points BCC Team 1, CJH 1 pace Fil-B . He was aided by EArle Terence Farrell (19) and Christian Bautista (17). Team Surigao Kyro settled for third spot with 317.

Primo Agatep/ABN

Amianan Balita Ngayon