Photo Caption: Representatives of NEDA-CAR, led by Dir. Susan A. Sumbeling, with UK Embassy delegates (top photo). Mr. Iain Cox, UK Embassy Political Counsellor, listening to Director Sumbeling’s sharing on the region’s
development programs and challenges (lower left photo) and the CAR regional profile presented by Mr. Victor Eugene Caccam of the Development Research Division, NEDA-CAR (lower right).

British Embassy representatives engaged with officials of the National Economic and  Development Authority –
Cordillera Administrative Region (NEDA-CAR) led by Dir. Susan A. Sumbeling during their courtesy visit on February 29, 2024. The delegation, led by Mr. Iain Cox, the Embassy’s Political Counsellor, discussed collaborative opportunities to forward the region’s developmental plans and initiatives.

Mr. Victor Eugene Caccam of the NEDA-CAR Development Research Division provided an overview of the region’s socioeconomic profile and priorities, which include its ongoing pursuit for regional autonomy. Mr. Cox revealed the
United Kingdom’s keen interest in financing eco-friendly projects through the British Investment Partnerships. He
expressed support to the Cordillera Regional Development Council’s initiative in exploring the region’s renewable energy with focus on its hydro potential.

The delegation also shared the planned scoping study to assess Baguio’s Transportation and Water Infrastructure in midMarch and expressed future collaboration with NEDA-CAR. The meeting underscores a beginning of a partnership that has a potential to contribute to the region’s development and sustainability goals.


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