Delivery of basic services to barangays up

SABLAN, Benguet Mayor Alfredo Dacumos, Jr said millions worth of road network system, agriculture development, social services and health projects are in placed, aimed to lift the living conditions of the community and residents of nearby areas. Also delivery of basic services in various barangays have been strengthened, stressing his earlier directive to different departments, bringing their services to the different communities. Dacumos have expressed his gratitude to the national government through the different regional line agencies ,local legislative body, provincial government and private companies for their support.

He said more than P40 million have been earmarked for the repair of old roads (national /municipal/barangay
roads) spread in the eight barangays and within the Baguio-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay or the so-called BLISTT. ‘These projects is to enhance connectivity, and to open new road system to geographically remote areas,’
Dacumos stressed. On health, an initial P4 million was allocated for the repair of municipal health centers, sourced from department of health and municipal appropriation. Water is life. An initial P1.5 million have been allocated in
the construction of water tanks in Barangay Banangan and Poblacion, respectively.

‘We have to protect our water sources for future generations and to maintain water quality.. Decades, individual residents tapped their water needs directly from the source, ‘said Dacumos, stressing their latest action was for the equitable distribution of water, benefitting to a large number of residents. On its tourism efforts, Dacumos revealed a private credit company has offered financial assistance worth P8 million for the expansion of their town’s Pasalubong Center in Barangay Banangan’s View Deck.

A Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) is set to be signed by July this year. Meanwhile, Dacumos belied earlier reports that a private company has already been granted permit to construct a waste to energy project in their town. Dacumos clarified that his town allowed the company to conduct a feasibility study on the proposed project site, stressing no permit has been granted yet, besides a public consultation has to be done. He said that their town has a 10-year solid waste managemen program. At present, the town spent P150k annually for hauling garbage to Clark, Pampanga.

Primo Agatep/ABN

Amianan Balita Ngayon