The 34th Baguio Benguet Educational Athletic League opens its second semester of play on February 6 with rising volleyball powerhouse Baguio College of Technology hoping to get its team in shape especially with a very young roster. “I just want these players to be in tip top shape when
games start and hopefully vie for the title,” said coach Benigno Aquino, named after the late senator. Aquino acknowledged the difficulty of making a contender of his relatively young players who but one are first year students.

Worst, all of them wasted more than two years of inactivity due to the Covid 19 pandemic. “I have one sophomore and it is the team’s captain,” said the Commission on Audit – Cordillera employee who juggles his time coaching the team and work. He gets out of office in La Trinidad, rides his bike to the Baguio athletic bowl. “After getting out at 4PM, I ride my way here and arrive at 430,” said Aquino in Filipino. “Luckilly, I was allowed to make use of this court by sir (city sports development officer) Gudz Gonazles,” said Aquino, while directing his players to concentrate on defense with
three on the left side of the court doing it and if they fail, they have to do push-ups.

“We know the University of the Cordilleras is a strong one. We are preparing for them,” he said. UC is the defending men’s champion who they fell enroute to the first runner up finish in 2019, the best finish for his team, even as the Lady Atoms took the crown at the expense of UC’s Lady Jaguars.
“It will be patience, get this team into shape when games start on February 6,” added Aquino, nicknamed Ninoy, who played libero for UC in the early 2000s. Volleyball is one of the more awaited games in the BBEAL which now has 10 school King’s College of the Philippines taking a leave of absence this year.

It is played during the second semester to boost the league’s popularity. It was played during the first semester in the past along with basketball. The BBEAL has University of Baguio, Saint Louis
University, University of the Philippines, Pines City College, Baguio Central University, the Philippine Military Academy, the Cordillera Career Development College and host Benguet State
University as other members.

Pigeon Lobien/ABN



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