PRESS CONFERENCE by the Ambassador of European Union Massimo Santoro and it’s members state. on Wednesday, January 29, 2025 held at Forest Lodge, Camp John Hay, Baguio City. EU Ambassador Massimo Santoro said that: “We are pleased to visit Baguio City jointly for the first time. We like to thank the Baguio City government as well as the officials and representatives from government agencies, NGOs, civil society organization and the press, for the very warm welcome.

We also like to acknowledge the strong commitment of the city government and partner institutions, and civil society organization to good governance and to green inclusive growth”. with the Ambassadors Massimo Santoro, European Union; Dr. Titanilla Tóth, Hungary; Michel Parys, Belgium; Raduta Dana Matache, Romania; Ioannis Pediotis, Greece; Dr. Johann Brieger, Austria; Franz-Michael Skjold Mellbin, Denmark; Dr. Andreas Pfaffernoschke, Germany; Marie Fontanel, France; Rièardas Šlepavièius, Lithuania; Karel Hejè, Czechia; Davide Giglio, Italy; Emma Hickey, Ireland; Saija Nurminen, Finland; Nicholas Panayiotou, Cyprus; Ambassador-designate Anna Ferry, Sweden; Chargés d’affaires ad interim Ms Anna Krzak-Danel, Poland; and Mr. Dragan Barbutovski, Slovenia.

Jimmy Ceralde / ABN



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