Lone lady Board Member of the 2nd District of Benguet Marie Rose Fongwan Kepes seeks to revive weaving industry in the province as she sadly observes women seem to have lost their interests on weaving. As chairperson of the
committee on Trade, Industry and Livelihood and vice-chairperson of Social Services, Women and Family likewise
Tourism and Arts, she intends to further help in revitalizing the weaving opportunities to the women while preserving indigenous art forms the province and the people of Benguet is known for.

“I invited our local weavers and learned of their different problems regarding weaving, and hearing this, together with Congressman Yap and Gov, Diclas we came up with a plan to put up a “weaving center” in the province providing course, trainings with TESDA”, explained Fongwan-Kepes. Since assuming office, the lady-provincial legislator focused on her committee and immediately authored some ordinances to help families especially the women in acquiring livelihood opportunities such as in laundry business, weaving, baking and welding by giving
equipment and trainings to women and interested associations.

Under the province’s loan assistance program, an association can avail up to PhP1 million loan payabale in four years while for equipment upon request can be up to PhP500,000. BM Fongwan-Kepes also wishes to institutionalize
celebrations and activities on the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in the province to realize funds for its loan assistance program. “Our native attires and arts are the unique identity of our province and the people of Benguet, that is why we should continuously promote our art form maybe even in sublimation or in fashion-fushion”, said Fongwan-Kepes highlighting tourism as an even better vehicle.

The lady legislator is also eyeing for the convergence of the Department of Trade (DTI) which provides trainings; Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) which provides courses; the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) providing financial assistance and the province to create a simplified programs so as not to overlap assistances being given by these agencies. This January, said BM Fongwan-Kepes, eleven associations will be given equipment which they have requested.

In spite of a very diverse culture that our country has, there seem to have a very little interest in the indigenous art form thus leading our weaves to almost fading from the public consciousness most especially to the young generations. Young descendants of our master weavers thought of moving out of their ancestral homes thus shunning away from an identity woven by ingenuity. Board member Marie Rose Fongwan-Pekes is seeking the Vice-governor seat this May 2025 elections under sa Lakas-CMD.

Amianan Balita Ngayon