A centralized materials recovery facility (MRF) will soon be built by the city government on its property in Dontogan barangay along Marcos Highway. City General Service officer Eugene Buyucan said the facility will cover an area
measuring 1,855 square meters and will have various components: Box feeder with conveyor, bag breaker or opener, trommel screen, air separator, manual sorting platform, hydraulic baler machine, belt conveyor, shredder, magnetic separator, bottle or glass crusher, used tire shredder and textile or fabric shredder.
The development of the site of the transfer station measuring 30,143 square meters will complement the centralized
MRF project. Both projects will soon be bidded out for implementation. Buyucan said these projects are expected to boost the city’s waste management efforts in line with its thrust to promote waste reduction. “Our motto now is ‘Basura mo, Bawasan mo.’ We should learn to reduce our wastes right from our homes while we stick to our waste
segregation, reuse and recycle campaign,’’ he said.
Another project to be implemented towards this goal will be the experimental waste-to resource collection scheme from Sept. 9 to Dec. 31 in barangays Bakakeng Central, Guisad Surong, Gibraltar and Irisan. These barangays which have their own MRFs and will be made to segregate their recyclable and residual wastes within their area of jurisdiction. Recyclable materials will be for disposal in appropriate junk shops or for pick-up by the city’s partners at the Zero Waste Coalition and will serve as an additional source of funds for the barangay.
The residual or simple wastes will be picked up by the GSO Waste Management Division for transfer to the city’s MRF. Buyucan said another project being eyed is the establishment of a black soldier fly farm at the Irisan composting facility to hasten the production of compost materials for better management of the biodegradable wastes. The city’s inclusion as one of the pioneer local government unit grantees of the Green LGUs Project of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Dept. of Interior and Local Government (DILG) will also boost the city’s waste reduction program, according to Buyucan.
The program promotes a circular economy which aims to minimize waste and promote sustainable use of natural resources through smarter product design, longer use, recycling and more as well as regenerate nature (with the end in view of) helping tackle the problem of pollution, climate change and biodiversity loss.
Aileen P. Refuerzo/ABN
August 31, 2024
February 15, 2025
February 15, 2025
February 15, 2025
February 15, 2025
February 15, 2025
February 15, 2025