Regional PPAN launched to reduce malnutrition in Cordillera

The National Nutrition Council (NNC) in Cordillera launched on Thursday (November 23) the Philippine Plan of Action for Nutrition (PPAN) 2017-2022 to call for an urgent action from the people of the region and its leadership to combat malnutrition.
The PPAN is an integral part of the Philippine Development Plan 2017-2022. It is consistent with Pres. Rodrigo Duterte’s 10-point economic agenda; the Philippine Health Agenda and the development pillars of malasakit (protective concern), pagbabago (change or transformation) and kaunlaran (development); and Ambisyon 2040, a vision for Filipinos to be matatag (strong), maginhawa (comfortable) and panatag (secure) in the next 25 years.
NNC regional coordinator Rita Papey said the PPAN has eight nutrition specific programs: infant and young child feeding, integrated management of acute malnutrition, national dietary supplementation program, national nutrition promotion for behavior change, micronutrient supplementation, mandatory food fortification, nutrition in emergencies and overweight and obesity management and prevention program.
“These programs were planned and designed to produce nutrition outcomes. The selection of these nutrition-specific programs was inspired by global guidance like the World Health Organization (WHO) essential nutrition actions, Lancet Maternal and Child Nutrition series, International Conference for Nutrition Framework for action,” Papey said.
NNC-CAR said that the prevalence of stunting in region remains to be higher than the national prevalence. It is also one of the three regions in the country with high obesity problem. For undernutrition, Cordillera is one of the best regions with low prevalence.
“We are hoping that with our launching, we can further strengthen our management and support to PPAN by providing efficient and effective planning, implementation, and overall management of the nutrition specific and nutrition sensitive programs,” Papey said.
The approval and adoption of the PPAN 2017-2022 was resolved thru Resolution No. 1, series of 2017 by NNC governing board, whose members are from the Department of Agriculture (DA), Department of Budget and Management, Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE), Department of Social Welfare and Development Office (DSWD), Department of Trade in Industry (DTI), Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG), Department of Education (Dep-Ed), Department of Science and Technology (DOST), and the National Development Authority (NEDA). The NNC governing board is the country’s highest policy making-body on nutrition. DIONISIO DENNIS JR. / ABN

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