Aiza P. Kimmayong

As a teacher, one of the most time-consuming and challenging tasks is creating lesson plans. However, it is also one of the most crucial aspects of teaching (Sudhakar, 2017), as it sets the
direction for the learning process and helps ensure that learners achieve their educational goals.
With this in mind, there have been discussions regarding whether seasoned teachers should be
exempted from doing lesson plans.

On one hand, some argue that experienced teachers who have been in the profession for a long time have already accumulated a wealth of knowledge and experience, making it unnecessary for them to create detailed lesson plans. They may argue that these seasoned teachers have a natural instinct for teaching, and as such, can rely on their skills and experience to guide them through their lessons.

In addition, they may argue that allowing experienced teachers to skip the creation of lesson plans will give them more time to focus on other important aspects of teaching, such as creating better assessment methods, improving student engagement, and enhancing their teaching skills.
On the other hand, others believe that lesson planning is an integral part of teaching, regardless
of the teacher’s level of experience.

The act of creating lesson plans forces teachers to think critically about their teaching methods, and how they can best meet the learning needs of their learners. It also allows them to assess whether their goals for the lesson have been met, and whether there are areas that need improvement. In addition, having detailed lesson plans also provides a reference for future use, allowing the teacher to refine and improve their teaching over time.

It is important to note that teaching is a dynamic profession, with new theories, methods, and
technologies being introduced regularly. The creation of lesson plans is an important aspect of
teaching that should not be exempted, even for seasoned teachers. As such, even experienced
teachers should continually improve their skills and knowledge to ensure that they are providing
the best possible education for their learners.

With this in mind, seasoned teachers should continue to create lesson plans just like newbies in the profession. The practice of some seasoned teachers of sharing lesson exemplars to their younger colleagues is very admirable. It reflects their willingness to share what they know for the benefit of the learners who are teachers’ reason for being. The commitment being demonstrated by teachers in spending the necessary time in this lesson planning cannot be overemphasized. We cannot argue enough on the saying a ready teacher is well on his or her way to a successful instructional experience.


Amianan Balita Ngayon