Coping Up With the Digital Natives

Short attention span, convenience, short cuts, independence, and name it, the list goes on. Generation Z also known as the New Silent Generation is shaping a new era of learning. As teachers belonging to the earlier generations, how are we adjusting to the learning styles of these so called digital natives?
This generation grew up with the internet and is used to dynamic and social communication at early age. Vision Critical (2018), revealed that they use their smart phones at an average of 15.4 hours a week. Hermawati, et al (2018) disclosed that they also have shorter attention span.
Doucette (2018), suggested using tech-based educational applications to engage the students effectively in the learning process. This, however, may cause distractions (Cook, 2015). GenZ learners also lack discernment of reliable information. Teachers can only maximize the use of smart gadgets if they first teach them to be conscientious and responsible digital citizens.
Because they are used to convenience and fast-moving technology, they prefer instants. Instant information, instant communication, and above all instant gratification (Lambert, 2018).
Applications like Educreations, G Suite, Kahoot! And the like will help give them immediate feedback of their learning. They are also like personalizing everything, they pick and choose what they want and what they don’t (Doucette, 2018). Creating video games, programs, vlogs and the like play to the interests and preferences of Gen Z learners thus engaging them as active participants.
Gen Z also is socially conscious (Githens, 2019). Born and raised in an environment where everything easily become viral, they know much about what is happening globally. As they see themselves as agents of change, vlogs and blogs are among others they can produce.
It may seem ideal and difficult for a Filipino teacher because resources are a big concern. But we cannot stick to the old ways when they are not effective anymore. It is always good to explore other possibilities and discover effective ways of how we can reach out, connect and teach the younger generation to teach them.
Baguio City National High School

Amianan Balita Ngayon