You Still Don’t Get It

Notwithstanding all the ruckus raised as a result of a supposed ‘oust Duterte’ matrix reported in a national daily newspaper and a viral video purportedly showing the alleged involvement of members of the First family in illegal drugs and corruption some enlightenment might be necessary to provide a better perspective on the whole imbroglio.

For one, the ‘oust Duterte’ matrix is a clear indication that the President will never take things sitting down.

Does the President have a lot of enemies? Of course! He has earned the ire and hate of so many people precisely because he does the things which he says he will do.

This is precisely why he is so popular with the masses. Blame it on past presidents and previous leaders of the country who said one thing but did another thing.

Digong may be an uncouth and ill-tempered president, and in fact he may already be a dictator, but for all intents and purposes he might be the only dictator at present that is popular and well loved by the masses.

For another, the President is pretty straightforward and brutally frank when it comes to what he deems are alleged enemies of the State and that is to obliterate them out of existence, if that is at all possible.

At the moment we can easily identify one or two groups that are anathema to Digong, these are the groups involved in illegal drugs and groups involved with the overthrow of the present government.

The group involved in illegal drugs is being attended to by law enforcement authorities and the government has had some successes although to be honest about it there is still a long way to go before illegal drugs can be drastically reduced in the country.

For the group bent on overthrowing our present system of government and claiming that they represent the masses the President has begun to take notice of them in earnest.

In fact there is heightened activity in terms of intelligence gathering and surveillance against those perceived as enemies of the State since technically the present government is at war with the leftist group the CCP-NPA. In other words, the CPPNPA is currently waging a war against the government and vice versa.

And since there is a war going on the government and the administration of President Duterte is necessarily compelled, quite logically so, to evaluate and assess those who claim to represent the masses but in reality are helping the enemies of the State and to prevent and suppress their intentions and actions, hence, the matrix.

The NUPL and the other organizations mentioned in the matrix can always defend the rights of those that they deemed as oppressed and maltreated by the government, whether these are petty criminals or drug pushers, but what they cannot do is to support and defend those who actively seek to overthrow by arms the democratic system presently installed.

The President will never allow that and remember there is a war going on.


Amianan Balita Ngayon