Category: Educator’s Corner

DepEd Order No. 11, s. 2018

DepEd Order No.11, s. 2018 is the guidelines on the preparation and checking of school forms for the preparation, updating and evaluation of school forms in basic education starting end of the school year 2017-2018.

A teacher’s story

Teaching is the noblest profession among all professions in the world. It entails a lot of sacrifices, understanding and patience. But, there are no words that can ever describe the fulfilment that a teacher feels after seeing a pupil change for the better because of his/her influence in the life of that pupil. It might […]

Role of school leaders in inclusive education

It’s a rare opportunity to be attending an International Conference at SEAMEO InnoTech Center at Quezon City last March 6-8, 2018. With its theme “Thriving in the Margins: Inclusive education Re-imagined”. It is still occasional to have learned from global speakers and lecturers who are top caliber and are excellent in their field.

Diploma is not only the determinants of success

As the end of this month approaches and we are looking forward for the month of April which is the season we are looking for, since this is the time for receiving certificates and diploma which means a milestone in life.  For the Grade six learners, this means it is the end of childhood life […]

The value of instructional materials

As a school head for two years, I learned a lot during classroom observation and about the Enhanced Integrated Monitoring and Evaluation System (EIMES) for elementary and secondary teachers.

Every child is special

As the Bible says, God created man in his own image. Thus, every man, every child has a talent or a gift to show the world. However, because of the standards set by society, people are obliged to follow the rules of the game if they do not want to be discriminated.

Animating the Atom via Adobe Flash CC

Chemistry is one of the most important subjects in the field of science as it is regarded as the central science; however, many students in secondary schools have difficulties understanding it. One reason is the existence of chemistry on the atomic and molecular level which students cannot easily relate to. It also involves an understanding […]

Comic strips approach in Physics

Physics is often perceived as difficult, irrelevant and boring. I have noticed that when I ask my students in Applied Physics to describe the subject a term they often use is, “hard”. Especially that they have encountered the subject in their lower grade levels. I was challenged then to make this elective subject under the […]

ABCs of getting high grades

Achieving high grades could be an easy as memorizing your ABC when you have a balanced life. When it seems your goal of getting high grades is not materializing, try these simple ABCs. Attend classes regularly. Avoid making unnecessary absences.

Contextualized teaching and learning

Meet your students where they are… One teaching strategy to let students relate lessons learned in school to daily life is contextualization through indigenization and localization. Curriculum mapping, integrative teaching as well as thematic teaching are ways to determine the entry point of integrating localization to simplify lessons to make learning worthwhile. Learning competencies could […]

Amianan Balita Ngayon