At least 118 more livestock farmers from the 13 towns of Benguet received a total of 1,700 16-week-old lay pullets (Dekalb White) as livelihood assistance from the Government, in response to the challenges faced by the farmers during the onslaught of Typhoon ‘Egay’ and other inclement weather conditions.

The distribution of the chickens, with a total cost of almost P1 million, was led by Governor Dr. Melchor Daguines Diclas; Assistant Agriculture Provincial Coordinating Officer (APCO) Cirilo Batan, representing DA-CAR OIC Regional Executive Director Atty. Jennilyn M. Dawayan; and Provincial Veterinarian Dr. Purita Lesing.

The assistance came from the Department of Agriculture (DA) which complements the financial assistance of the Provincial Government. Governor Diclas said the Provincial LGU is currently distributing cash assistance to qualified typhoon-affected livestock farmers in the province with a total amount of P1,000,000.00. In the wake of the recent typhoons, it can be recalled that the Provincial Government has distributed financial assistance to affected farmers with aid coming from the National Government. Photo by SAP Jr

Amianan Balita Ngayon