Baguio Congressman Mark Go authored a measure amending Republic Act 10868 also known as the “Centenarian Act of 2016.”
House Bill 8208 seeks to advance the privileges granted to our elderlies even before reaching the centenarian age.
“Our elderlies, upon reaching the age of 85, will be receiving a cash gift amounting to P25,000; 90 years old elderlies will also be receiving P25,000; and also those who reached the age of 95 will be given P25,000. When they reach the centenarian age, a cash gift of P100,000 will be granted to them plus a letter of felicitation from the President congratulating the celebrant for his longevity,” Go explained.
Filipinos have a life expectancy of 69.4 years. Out of more than a hundred-million population in our country, only more than 205 people reached the age of 100 and above.
“It is very rare that people reach the age of 100, and even if they do, they cannot fully enjoy this grant because they are already suffering from different health problems. In the said bill, what we want to do here is to advance these privileges to them upon reaching the ages of 85, 90, 95 and 100 respectively for them to feel and appreciate such distinct recognition,” the solon said. PR / ABN
September 17, 2018
September 18, 2018