The Naguilian District Hospital (NDH), through its Public Relations and Communications Committee (PRCC), commemorates its 52nd anniversary with a weeklong celebration filled with various activities on March 18- 22, 2024. Medical Personnel and Employees joined the different causes organized for KaPROBINSYAnihan in the Municipality of Naguilian. To kick off the anniversary, PRCC organized a tree-planting project at Barangay Daramuangan, Naguilian wherein over 100 fruit-bearing trees were planted by students and teachers from Daramuangan Integrated
School and Barangay Daramuangan officials, headed by Brgy. Capt. Romeo Omanito, from the seedlings supplied by the Office of Provincial Agriculture.
Consequently, over 55 dogs and cats were immunized in the free animal vaccination campaign headed by Dr. Angeles Sabado-Estipona, followed by Naguilian District Hospital’s Chief Nurse Joy F. Lictan’s lecture on anti-rabies protection. The series of lectures continued on the second day through TB DOTS and Animal Bite Treatment lectures
conducted by Dr. Diana Jean C. Escalo, Medical Officer III and head of the TB DOTS Team, at the NDH Out-Patient
Department to educate about its implications and promote public awareness. In view of March also being Women’s Month, NDH interjected the advocacy for “Women’s rights are human rights” in their celebration.
They offered free consultations and “buntis” kits for 100 Pregnant KaPROBINSYANihan and arranged the search for Gng. Buntis Pageant to celebrate the beauty of empowered mothers. Risk reduction management and kinesthetic
activities were highlighted, too. They administrated fire and earthquake drills intending to empower NDH with practical survival skills; waste management training in accordance with the single-use plastic ordinance and PalitBasura Project of Naguilian; and Zumba dance exercise to maintain the employees’ healthy lifestyle.
The final two days of the celebration involved free adolescent consultation and counseling by the Adolescent Friendly Health Clinic, giftgiving to in-patients, and a mass by Rev. Fr. Frederick R. Ferrer. As a culmination of the 5-day anniversary, the NDH Staff spent the afternoon with each other doing team-building activities. Its theme of “Continuous Unity to Keep Everybody Healthy” was truly apparent in each activity, giving aid to varying sectors of the community and sparking oneness in their execution. Governor Raphaelle Veronica “Rafy” Ortega-David
commended NDH’s efforts steered toward unity saying that it is the key to better serve the people. The Provincial Government of La Union, through its district hospitals, pledges to provide quality medical assistance as part of its commitment to forwarding a people-centered and driven governance.
Angelica C. Real, NDH-GPC; Marie Jae Anndre Fronda, PIO
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